The 3 Best IT Support Companies in Fresno

Who are the top IT Support Companies in Fresno? Learn more about your local IT providers in this 5 minute summary guide.

The 3 Best IT Support Companies in Fresno – 2019 Review

If you’re looking to grow your business, then you’re going to need an IT company. Most importantly, you’re going to need the right IT company – and that can involve searching through many options to see which is the best fit. 

While Xobee Networks has been featured on INC, and voted the best IT company by The Business Journal, we understand that you might still want to consider all your options when finding the best IT company for you. One question we sometimes get is, “If we couldn’t use Xobee Networks, who would you suggest?” and to answer that tough question, we’ve put together a review of the other IT support companies in Fresno.

These companies are not listed in any particular order. The information you’ll find on each company includes: an in-depth review blog post, the services they offer, what insider employees have to say about each company and what their customers have to say.

This review will cover both what we like and what we don’t like about each company in order to provide an honest review.

Company: Fresno Networks / Unity IT

Services: Basic IT Support & Cyber Security

What We Like: After successfully running a computer support company under the name of Fresno Networks, founder Kip Haroldsen naturally progressed into bigger markets: IT Support. In 2016, Haroldsen founded Unity IT and since then has kept a clean record of happy customers, thus earning a spot on our list. 

Unity appears to be a tight knight, and low-key company. For the most part, their employees are happy to work there.

Their 1 negative review, for multiple reasons, appears to be fake. 

  • Satisfied customers.
  • Capable leadership.
  • Happy employees.

What We Don’t Like: Our biggest gripe with Unity is a trait that’s shared across all the companies on this list. We don’t like the lack of versatility when it comes to Unity’s IT solutions. And to be clear, the following is not a critique of quality, but of versatility.

On every IT company website, you’ll find promises of growth. However, in an age where digital companies are dominating brick-and-mortar stores (ie. Amazon, E-bay, Zillow, etc…), it’s silly to promise growth if you’re not going to bolster a company’s digital presence. 

If an IT Company wants to promise growth, then they should have some form of web design in Fresno or other marketing options. Otherwise, they’re really just there for maintenance. 

It Support Company Picture

Company: DataPath

Services: Basic IT Consulting & Cyber Security

What We Like: DataPath Modesto made their debut in Fresno when they acquired Central Valley Networks. Since then, they kept a clean track record of satisfied customers and have 6 positive reviews on their Google My Business page. Unfortunately, most of these reviews are generic, but the few that are specific praise their customer support. Despite them only providing the standard IT support services, we like that their customers are satisfied with what they’re getting.

  • Satisfied Customers.
  • Capable Leadership.
  • Standard Services.

What We Don’t Like: 

  • Lack of versatility when it comes to IT solutions and growth opportunity.
  • Negative review by employee citing “slave wages & illegal practices”.

Company: M-Cubed Technologies

Services: Basic IT Support & Cyber Security

What We Like: Although M Cubed Technologies kicked the year off with a rough start, they’ve seen done a great job of recovering. We like that their latest customers are satisfied with IT services they’re receiving and that the M-Cubed team is working harder than ever to find the type of employees that can succeed within their unique company culture

  • Standard IT services
  • Has improved their services and company culture over the last few months.

What We Don’t Like: In addition to the lack of versatility in IT solutions, we think it’s a big limitation that M-Cubed Technologies is such a small company. Many IT Technicians that have worked there have left negative job reviews citing the company’s limited resources. For small businesses, this limitation would not really affect them, but for bigger companies this can be a huge disadvantage. 

  • Lack of versatility in IT solutions.
  • Company resources limited by small size.


Now that you’re more informed on Datapath Modesto, Unity IT, and M Cubed Technologies as local IT companies, consider what your business needs so that you can find the right IT company to team up with. As we’ve previously mentioned on our blog and product pages, the key to a great IT support experience is really the company you choose to work with. Consider the following when picking your it service provider:

  1. How established are each of the IT providers?
  2. How important is the security of your data to your employees, your customers and your company?
  3. How available do I want my IT provider to be?

While it’s just as simple for you to go with a different IT Support provider, choosing Xobee Networks as your IT company will provide you with IT Support, 24/7/365 from an industry leader . We focus on providing cost-effective solutions in a timely manner. With Xobee Networks, you’ll be spending less time managing IT and more time focusing on what matters most. With branches in Fresno, SF, Santa Monica, and Evanston, we’re able to provide you with reliable, local servicing whenever you need.

Call Us Today!