1. Open the Email app on phone
  2. Click the 3 dots icon and go to Settings
  3. Select “Microsoft Exchange”
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Email address:
    2. Server address:
    3. Domain: Leave blank
    4. Port: 443
    5. Username:
    6. Password: Your password
  5. Click Next
    *If you do not wish to receive Text (SMS) Messages to your email account, uncheck “Sync SMS”
  6. Click Done

Personal computer

Need help setting up Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2010 on your computer? No need to worry, we have you covered.

Mobile device

Sometimes it’s the most beautiful things that give us the most trouble. Here is a quick guide to getting Outlook working on your iPhone or Android device.

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