This article will assist you with setting up Outlook 2016 with your Hosted Exchange mailbox.
Note: Outlook 2016 requires the Autodiscover DNS record to be set for your domain. If you are not sure, please discuss, with your IT Administrator, whether this DNS record is configured.

  1. Windows 7: Start Menu -> Control Panel. Double-click on “Mail”. Windows 8/10: Open the “Charms” by moving your mouse to the top right of your screen. Select Search. (Search for “Mail”)
  2. When the Mail Control Panel opens, select “Show Profiles“.
  3. Select “Add” to add a new profile. Enter any name you wish and select “OK“.
  4. Select “E-Mail Account“. Enter the following details:
    1. Your Name“: Your name
    2. E-mail Address“:
    3. Password“: Your mailbox password

  1. Click “Next“. Please wait. This searching process may take up to 5 minutes.

  1. When the “Windows Security” dialog appears, enter your password:

  1. Once configuration is complete, you should see the following screen. Click “Finish“.

  1. Finally, launch Outlook. Your email should begin downloading shortly.
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