Beware of Airplane WiFi: New Federal Advisory Highlights Security Risks

Beware of Airplane WiFi: New Federal Advisory Highlights Security Risks

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Airplane WiFi has become a staple for modern travelers, providing a way to stay connected during flights. However, recent warnings from federal authorities highlight significant security concerns that passengers need to be aware of.

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Federal Advisory: What You Need to Know

A new advisory has been issued warning passengers about the risks associated with using in-flight WiFi. The alert comes after several incidents where cybercriminals exploited airplane WiFi networks to steal personal data from passengers.

The Threat of Fake WiFi Networks

One of the main threats identified is the creation of fake WiFi hotspots by hackers when on a plane or in an airport. These malicious networks are designed to look like legitimate in-flight WiFi, tricking passengers into connecting — sometimes using the airlines’ official names. These same attacks can be found on the ground; in cafes, hotels, conventions, and more.

Once connected, hackers can intercept data transmitted over the network, including personal information, login credentials, and financial details. These types of attacks are known as “rogue access points” or “evil twin” attacks. 

Recent Incidents Highlight the Risks

In a recent case, passengers on a transcontinental flight were targeted by a hacker who set up a fake WiFi network named after the airline’s official service. Passengers who connected to this network were redirected to a phishing site that requested their personal information. Many unsuspecting travelers entered their email addresses and passwords, unknowingly giving hackers access to their accounts.

How to Protect Yourself

To safeguard your personal information while using in-flight WiFi, follow these essential tips:

  • Verify the Network Name: Always verify the official network name with flight attendants or through the airline’s official communication channels before connecting. Avoid networks with similar but slightly different names.
  • Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet connection, making it much harder for hackers to access your data. Ensure your VPN is active before connecting to any public WiFi, including in-flight networks.
  • Avoid Sensitive Transactions: Refrain from conducting sensitive transactions, such as online banking or shopping, while connected to in-flight WiFi. If necessary, use secure payment methods like PayPal instead of entering your credit card information directly.
  • Disable Auto-Connect: Prevent your device from automatically connecting to available networks by turning off the auto-connect feature. This reduces the risk of inadvertently connecting to a malicious network.
  • Forget Networks After Use: Once you’ve used the in-flight WiFi, make sure to forget the network on your device to prevent it from automatically reconnecting in the future.

What Airlines Are Doing

Airlines are taking steps to enhance the security of their in-flight WiFi services. Many are investing in more secure network infrastructures and providing passengers with detailed instructions on how to safely connect to their services. However, passengers must remain vigilant and proactive in protecting their data.

While in-flight WiFi offers convenience, it also presents risks that travelers must consider. By taking a few precautionary steps, you can enjoy the benefits of staying connected while minimizing the dangers posed by cybercriminals.

Xobee Networks: Here to Help

For businesses, securing your data and ensuring safe internet practices are paramount. Xobee Networks provides comprehensive IT consulting, advanced cloud hosting solutions, robust backup redundancies, and data restoration services. Our cybersecurity offerings, including virus protection and spam filtering, help safeguard your business from emerging threats. Trust Xobee Networks to keep your technology secure and efficient.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee Networks now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Avoid This Fatal IT Mistake – Learn from the Recent CrowdStrike Outage

Avoid This Fatal IT Mistake – Learn from the Recent CrowdStrike Outage

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

On July 19th, the world witnessed an unprecedented global IT outage due to a faulty update from CrowdStrike, leading to system crashes and widespread downtime across various industries — requiring manual workarounds to resolve. Businesses, airports, hospitals broadcasters, and more worldwide grappled with the issue, with reports of systems stuck in boot loops and operations coming to a halt.

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At Xobee Networks, we prioritize rigorous reviews and only recommend high-quality software and services to our clients. We do not utilize or recommend CrowdStrike products, ensuring that your systems remain unaffected by this outage.

While out clients’ systems are secure from this specific incident, it is a crucial reminder to stay vigilant against other potential security threats. Cybercriminals often exploit moments of widespread disruption to target vulnerable systems. This situation created an opportunity for bad actors, as they know teams are under pressure. During such times, there’s a higher risk of techs forgetting their cybersecurity training, neglecting identity verification processes, and cutting corners.

Steps to Stay Safe

  • Enhanced Verification: Remind your teams to be extra vigilant in verifying identities and credentials, especially during times of high stress.
  • Review Processes: Reevaluate your identity verification processes to ensure there’s no gap. Enable multi-factor authentication, and update core system software to patch security holes.
  • Protect Data: Be extra critical of data security, avoiding plain text storage and implementing robust encryption. If you were affected by this outage, Xobee Networks stands ready to provide the support you need to better stay protected during outages and keep that competitive edge.

Contact one of our technicians today to learn more about our products and services, including IT consulting, cybersecurity, cloud hosting, virus/spam protection, web development, VoIP, and more.

Xobee Networks now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

The Surprising Reason Small Businesses Fail – And How to Prevent It

The Surprising Reason Small Businesses Fail – And How to Prevent It

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

​Imagine your business as a bustling restaurant. You have a talented chef, a friendly waitstaff, and a welcoming ambiance. But what happens when your kitchen equipment breaks down? Instead of trying to fix it yourself, you call in a professional. The same principle applies to your business technology. For small businesses, outsourcing IT technology is essential for long-term success.

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The Cost-Effectiveness of Outsourcing IT

Running a small business means keeping a close eye on expenses. Hiring a full-time IT staff can be costly, considering salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure. Outsourcing IT needs to a Managed Service Provider offers a cost-effective alternative.

A study by Deloitte highlighted that cost reduction is a primary driver for outsourcing, with significant savings seen in cloud services and IT support . By outsourcing, small businesses can access expert technology solutions without the overhead costs associated with maintaining an in-house IT team.

Minimizing Downtime, Maximizing Productivity

Technology downtime can cripple a business. Every minute your systems are down, you lose productivity and revenue. Outsourcing IT to experts ensures that your systems are proactively monitored and maintained. MSPs like Xobee offer rapid response to issues, often resolving potential problems before they disrupt your operations.

According to the National Cybersecurity Alliance, 60% of small businesses close within six months of a cyberattack . Having a dedicated team of IT professionals can mitigate these risks, providing robust cybersecurity measures to protect your business.

Access to the Latest Technology and Expertise

Technology evolves rapidly. Staying current with the latest advancements can be challenging for small businesses. By outsourcing IT, you gain access to the latest technology and expertise. Xobee stays updated on industry trends, ensuring your business benefits from cutting-edge solutions.

For example, we at Xobee offer a range of services, from IT consulting and cloud hosting solutions to backup redundancies and data restoration. Our team of experts ensures your technology infrastructure is not only up-to-date but also optimized for your specific business needs.

Tailored Solutions for Unique Business Needs

No two businesses are the same. What works for one might not work for another. Outsourcing IT allows for customized solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you require enhanced cybersecurity, efficient cloud hosting, or comprehensive disaster recovery plans, an MSP can provide the right mix of services.

Xobee Networks understands that every business is different. We offer personalized solutions that align with your goals, ensuring you have the technology support needed to thrive.

Partner with the Pros

We are your one-stop shop for all your business technology needs. From IT consulting and cloud hosting solutions to backup redundancies and data restoration services, we have you covered. Our cybersecurity services, including virus protection and spam filtering, ensure your business stays safe and secure.

Contact us today and empower your business technology for a successful future.

Xobee Networks now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

3 AI Strategies Every Business Must Adopt Now

3 AI Strategies Every Business Must Adopt Now

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Gone are the days of AI simply being a buzzword. It’s a present-day reality reshaping how businesses operate. By harnessing AI, businesses can streamline operations, enhance customer experiences, and drive significant growth. Here are the top three ways businesses can leverage AI to stay competitive and thrive in today’s market.

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1. Automating Routine Tasks

One of the most immediate benefits of AI for businesses is the automation of routine, time-consuming tasks. From data entry to scheduling, AI-powered tools can handle these processes with speed and accuracy, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic activities. For instance, virtual assistants can manage administrative tasks, such as booking appointments or organizing documents, significantly boosting operational efficiency​. Implementing AI in these areas not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error, leading to smoother operations and cost savings.

2. Enhancing Customer Experiences with AI-Driven Interactions

AI can revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers. By integrating AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, companies can provide 24/7 customer support, instantly responding to queries and resolving issues. These tools use natural language processing to understand and engage with customers in a human-like manner, improving the overall customer experience and fostering loyalty​. Additionally, AI can analyze customer data to offer personalized recommendations and targeted marketing messages, ensuring that interactions are relevant and timely. This level of personalization can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and drive repeat business.

3. Data-Driven Decision Making

AI enables businesses to make informed decisions by providing deep insights through data analysis. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data to uncover patterns and trends that might be missed by human analysts. This capability is invaluable for strategic planning, marketing, and product development. For example, AI can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and operational data to help businesses refine their strategies and optimize their offerings​. By leveraging these insights, companies can make better decisions that are backed by data, ultimately leading to improved performance and growth.

The Xobee Advantage

At Xobee, we understand the transformative potential of AI for businesses. As your one-stop shop for business technology needs, we offer a range of services to help you integrate cutting-edge tools into your operations seamlessly. Our IT consulting expertise can guide you through the adoption of AI tools, while our cloud hosting solutions ensure that your data is securely managed and accessible. With robust backup redundancies and data restoration services, we protect your business from data loss, ensuring continuity and peace of mind. Additionally, our comprehensive cybersecurity services, including virus protection and spam filtering, safeguard your digital assets against threats.

Contact one of our highly skilled technicians to learn how you can take your business into the future.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

The Heat Is Here – Is Your Business’s Cybersecurity Ready?

The Heat Is Here – Is Your Business’s Cybersecurity Ready?

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

As temperatures soar, the threat to your business’s IT infrastructure rises. Picture your key systems overheating, crashing, and making your data inaccessible or worse — corrupted and gone forever.  All that sensitive data: financial accounts, personal information, software, and intellectual property… just gone. The fallout of even just a minor system blackout or shutdown could be catastrophic if a proper backup or off-site storage solution isn’t put into place.

Learn More: Find out how Xobee can safeguard your data from the extreme heat

How Rising Temperatures Increase Risk for Your Business

Excessive heat can lead to the overheating of your IT infrastructure. Servers, computers, and other critical hardware components are designed to operate within a specific temperature range. When temperatures soar, these systems can overheat, leading to unexpected shutdowns or permanent damage. Downtime caused by overheating can interrupt business operations, resulting in financial losses and reputational damage.

Heat waves can strain power grids, leading to blackouts and brownouts. These power disruptions can cause sudden system shutdowns, resulting in data loss and corruption. Without proper backup solutions, businesses risk losing crucial information. Additionally, power outages can compromise security systems, leaving networks exposed to unauthorized access.

Protective Measures to Beat the Heat

  • Cloud Hosting Solutions: Leverage scalable cloud hosting for secure, off-site data storage that guards against local heatwaves. Secured in our state-of-the-art datacenter, our servers are protected with not only top-tier cooling systems, but our infrastructure runs on ECC memory, enterprise-tiered storage, redundant power, and redundant data from end to end.
  • Backup Redundancies: Ensure business continuity with our backup solutions, designed to protect and give peace of mind in the event of a power outage or natural disaster.
  • Disaster Recovery Services: Our comprehensive disaster recovery plans ensure your business can withstand whatever is thrown at it and quickly rebound from unexpected events or attacks.

Be Prepared with Xobee

At Xobee, we understand the critical importance of protecting your business technology against all threats, including extreme heat waves. We’re the #1 voted MSP in California, offering solutions and expertise needed to safeguard your business. Our suite of services, from cloud hosting to disaster recovery, ensures your business is protected, come what may. Don’t let the next heatwave shut down your operations. Partner with Xobee and secure your business’s future against the unforeseen challenges of tomorrow.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee Networks now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Hackers Want Your Health Data: How Safe Is Your Info?

Hackers Want Your Health Data: How Safe Is Your Info?

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

In February of this year, a unit of UnitedHealth Group, known as Change Healthcare issued a statement saying that several of its services were offline and unavailable due to a cybersecurity issue. This issue rapidly spiraled into a major crisis, as Change Healthcare’s core operation is ensuring the smooth flow of 14 billion transactions annually. With sensitive information like managing payments, handling requests for insurer authorizations, and a variety of other essential services on the line, you can see where the major concern lies.

Learn more: How Xobee can better protect you from data breaches

This isn’t the only cyberattack to hit a major healthcare institution as of late, and it certainly won’t be the last. Well-resourced healthcare institutions are vulnerable to cyber threats, but smaller and underfunded institutions are particularly at risk. These incidents are a clarion call for clinics not yet hit, because unless robust cybersecurity measures are put into place, it’s only a matter of time before your institution is spiraling through its own crisis.

“This isn’t just about money or data loss. In healthcare, cyberattacks can endanger human lives.” — Geetha Thamilarasu

Why Healthcare Is Becoming A Major Target

Healthcare facilities are increasingly targeted by cybercriminals due to the sensitive nature of the data they hold. Medical records, financial information, Social Security numbers, and other personal details are gold mines for hackers. As Geetha Thamilarasu, an associate professor specializing in healthcare security at the University of Washington, Bothell, explains, “Research shows that if a compromised credit card sells for about $1 to $5 each, a compromised medical record can sell anywhere from $400 to $500 — sometimes even $1,000.”

You can start to see how a database with thousands upon thousands of records stacks up.

These attacks are not just hypothetical. In 2023 alone, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported breaches affecting over 88 million individuals — with a 93% increase in large, healthcare-related breaches reported between 2018-2022. The consequences of such breaches are severe, leading to delayed medical procedures, rerouted emergency services, and immense financial losses.

Anatomy of a Cyberattack

Most cyberattacks begin with a seemingly innocuous email. A healthcare employee might receive an email from what appears to be a trusted source, but with a slight misspelling in the sender’s name — a classic phishing attempt. By clicking on a malicious link, the employee unwittingly grants the attacker access to the entire network.

Chris Callahan, Chief of Cybersecurity for the Northwest region of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), emphasizes that “the biggest risk sector is employees,” and without adequate defenses and user education, healthcare systems remain highly vulnerable.

The impact of cyberattacks on healthcare goes beyond financial losses and data breaches. They pose a direct threat to patient safety. Last year, a cyberattack on Ardent Health Services forced hospitals to divert ambulances and reschedule non-urgent surgeries.

Xobee Networks: Your Partner in Cybersecurity

Healthcare institutions need a reliable partner and specialist who can help build a more robust and defensible position against these growing cyber threats. Xobee Networks offers comprehensive IT consulting, advanced cybersecurity, cloud hosting solutions, backup redundancies, and disaster recovery services. Our cybersecurity offerings include virus protection, spam filtering, and more.

Patient care goes beyond healthcare. Protect your healthcare organization with Xobee Networks’ robust cybersecurity solutions. Ensure your patients’ safety and data integrity with our expert services. Contact us today to learn more.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

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