Breaking: New Cyberattack Threat Could Target Small Businesses Nationwide

Breaking: New Cyberattack Threat Could Target Small Businesses Nationwide


FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

In recent disclosures that have sent shockwaves through the global community, U.S. officials have unveiled a concerning trend: Chinese state-sponsored cyber actors have significantly bolstered their capabilities, engaging in covert operations that have infiltrated critical infrastructure across the United States.

“They have invaded computer systems, and they are able to sabotage,” said a Western intelligence source in a NATO nation, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue.

This revelation, detailed recently by the U.S. Department of Defense, underscores strategic maneuvering by China to pre-position itself advantageously against US cyber defenses, potentially sabotaging vital systems in the event of a conflict.

According to a Western intelligence source and cybersecurity industry insiders, China’s cyber operations are not just a distant threat to American installations but a clear and present danger to the very fabric of our infrastructure.


The Ripple Effect on Small Businesses

The implications for small businesses are dire. These businesses, often lacking the robust cybersecurity defenses of larger corporations or government institutions, become the weakest link in the chain, susceptible to espionage, data breaches, and operational disruptions. The strategic targeting by state-sponsored actors like China’s Volt Typhoon operation exposes these vulnerabilities, placing not just the businesses at risk but also the broader ecosystem that relies on their services and products.

Learn more: How Xobee can help safeguard your business data

AT&T Outage & Recent Cyberattack Investigations

This announcement occurs against the backdrop of a recent widespread AT&T network outage just last week that U.S. officials investigated as a potential cyberattack. This development underscores the strategic importance of cybersecurity in national defense and the private sector alike. Businesses, regardless of size, must recognize the potential risks and take proactive measures to safeguard their data.

Xobee Networks Makes Cybersecurity Simple & Affordable

At Xobee Networks, we understand the complexities and evolving nature of cyber threats. Our suite of cybersecurity solutions is designed to provide comprehensive protection for businesses navigating these perilous threats. From advanced virus and spam protection services that shield your communication systems from malicious software to cloud hosting solutions ensuring your data’s integrity and availability, we have you covered.

Moreover, our backup redundancies and data restoration services ensure that, in the event of a cyber incident, your business can quickly recover, minimizing downtime and financial losses. Our team of experts continuously monitors your business and the threats at large, adapting our strategies to counter new threats, ensuring your business remains resilient in the face of adversity.

For more information on how to better protect your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Be Prepared: Ensuring Data Safety During AT&T’s Next Outage

Be Prepared: Ensuring Data Safety During AT&T’s Next Outage

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

 In the early hours of a seemingly ordinary Thursday morning, AT&T customers across the United States experienced widespread service disruptions. The outages affected major cities across the country and left over 70,000 Americans without network service.

The Federal Communications Commission, alongside the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI, launched an investigation into the incident, highlighting the severity and potential implications of the disruption.

“The bottom line is we don’t have all the answers,” Kirby told reporters on Thursday when asked about the cause of the outage.

This network outage comes just days after another massive AT&T outage leaving small businesses unable to process credit card transactions, bringing their business to a halt.

While AT&T has restored the majority of its services and believes that the Feb 22nd outage was not the result of a cybersecurity incident, the situation has raised alarms. Kirby emphasized the government’s commitment to understanding the root cause of the outage, stating, “We’re going to look at this really hard.”

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in our networks and the ever-present threat of cyberattacks.

Preparing Your Small Business for the Next Outage

While AT&T’s network disruptions were not attributed to a cyberattack, the incident is a wake-up call for small businesses and the general public. It underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures, regular data backups, and comprehensive disaster recovery plans. The security of your data is not just a matter of convenience but of economic stability for your business.

Learn more: How Xobee can safeguard your business data from the next outage

Xobee Networks: Your Partner in Cybersecurity

Xobee Networks offers comprehensive technology solutions tailored to meet the needs of businesses seeking to fortify their cyber defenses. Our services include advanced virus and spam protection, cloud hosting solutions, backup redundancies, and data restoration services. By partnering with Xobee, businesses can be better prepared in the face of major outages or cyberattacks.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

The Invisible Threat Destroying Small Businesses

The Invisible Threat Destroying Small Businesses

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Small businesses often operate under the illusion that their size makes them less appealing targets for cybercriminals. However, this misconception is not only false, it can lead to devastating consequences. The reality is that cybercriminals are increasingly shifting their focus to small businesses specifically due to their low investment into cybersecurity.

“Small business owners cannot think their business is too small to be hacked.” — Monique Becenti, Product Marketing Manager at Zimperium

It would be inaccurate to say that small businesses are indifferent to cybersecurity, yet there’s a tendency among them to downplay its importance. Despite a wealth of information and startling statistics readily available online, many small-scale enterprises still underestimate the risks associated with cyberattacks.

Verizon’s 2022 Data Breach Investigations Report says that some small businesses are extremely vulnerable to malware, ransomware, brute-force attacks, and social attacks — putting some of them out of business entirely.

Learn more: How Xobee can safeguard your business against scammers, viruses, malware, and more

🎥 Source: PCMag

The Cost of Complacency

This complacent attitude is understandable, but complacency is the difference between your small business struggling and thriving. Cybersecurity threats, while potentially as harmful as physical ones, don’t always present an immediate, visible danger. It takes the right foresight, and big-picture thinking to truly understand and prevent the danger that poor cybersecurity poses. It’s easy to understand how leaving a door unlocked overnight can cost your company money, but great business minds understand that poor website security or data protection can shutter your business.

A cyberattack can be financially crippling for a small business. According to Business News Daily, the average cost of a cyberattack for small businesses is $2.98 million, a sum that can spell the end for many small enterprises.

More Than Just Money

The impact of a cyberattack extends beyond financial loss. Small businesses often suffer damage to their reputation, which can be even more challenging to repair. Customers lose trust in a company that fails to protect their sensitive data, leading to a decline in business, legal troubles, and costly fines. Additionally, the disruption caused by an attack can lead to significant downtime, further affecting the business’s ability to operate and generate revenue.

Invest in Xobee, Invest In Your Company’s Future

Investing in cybersecurity is not just about buying the latest software; it’s about adopting a proactive approach to protect your business. Simple steps such as regularly updating software, training employees on cybersecurity best practices, and implementing strong password policies can significantly reduce the risk of a cyberattack. These measures are not just cost-effective; they are essential in building a resilient business that can withstand the evolving threats of today’s online business world.

For small businesses, the question is not whether they can afford to invest in cybersecurity, but whether they can afford not to. The cost of a cyberattack far outweighs the investment in preventive measures. In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for the survival and success of any business.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee Consulting now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Shocking Scams Revealed: Don’t Become the Next Victim!

Shocking Scams Revealed: Don’t Become the Next Victim!

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

For small business owners, having your business online and connected offers a plethora of opportunities to grow and thrive. However, it also presents a minefield of scams that can undermine your hard work and put your business at risk. The key to navigating these threats safely is not just in having the right technology, but also in understanding the tactics used by scammers and how to effectively counter them. This guide provides essential insights into recognizing, preventing, and responding to online scams, empowering you and your business to operate securely.

It’s vital to understand and recognize the indicators of online scams. With new tools like AI-assisted learning models, evolving social engineering tactics, and more, scammers are continuously devising new methods to mislead Internet users. Staying alert and well-informed is more important than ever.

Scammers frequently employ strategies like creating a sense of urgency, impersonating authorities, or promising unrealistic rewards to trap unsuspecting victims. It’s important to be aware of the various types of scams that are prevalent, including phishing emails, lottery scams, and tech support frauds, among others. Each scam has its unique approach, but they all share the common goal of deceitfully obtaining personal information or money.

Learn more: How Xobee can safeguard your business against scammers, viruses, malware, and more

How to Respond to Scams

Even the most cautious can sometimes fall prey to scammers. Knowing the right steps to take can help mitigate the damage and prevent future occurrences. Your awareness and actions can make a difference in the fight against online scams.

Immediate Action

  • Report the Scam. Contact your bank, credit card company, the FTC, or relevant authorities immediately.
  • Change Your Credentials. Update your passwords and security settings on affected accounts.
  • Stay Informed. Regularly check for updates on scam trends and protection methods.

Learn more: How to safeguard your inbox from these dangerous cyberattacks

Best Practices to Stay Protected Online

Protecting yourself from online scams requires a proactive approach. By understanding and implementing key strategies, you can significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim.

  • Secure Your Information. Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Consider using login requirements like PIN codes. Disable automatic logins.
  • Stay Updated. Ensure your operating system, software, browsers, and apps are up to date.
  • Think Before You Click. Be cautious with links in emails or texts, especially from unknown sources. Disable hidden file extensions. Ignore unsolicited emails/messages.
  • Verify Sources. Independently verify the authenticity of any requests for personal information.
  • Shut Down & Shut Off. Cover webcams and power down computers when not in use.

Scams are an unfortunate reality if you wish to be a contender online today. But they shouldn’t deter you from leveraging the internet to grow your business. With the right knowledge, vigilance, and security practices, you can protect your enterprise from the threats posed by online scams. By fostering a culture of security awareness within your team and implementing robust defense mechanisms, your business can thrive.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Bracing for the Storm: Is Your Business Ready for Unexpected Weather Shutdowns?

Bracing for the Storm: Is Your Business Ready for Unexpected Weather Shutdowns?

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

As winter sets in and the summer months approach, businesses face a season not just of chaotic weather, but of increased risk to their digital infrastructure. For companies who rely on constant uptime and immediate access to their company data and systems, these months of extreme temperatures can be a time of heightened vulnerability.

“One of the most noticeable losses caused by a widespread power outage is the loss of customers. A power outage means customers may be unable to make contact with a business or obtain needed services.”Adam Miller, Aegis Insurance & Financial Services

Power outages, severe weather events, and the ensuing disruptions are not just possibilities; they are realities that can freeze operations and impact the bottom line. In February of last year, 85,000 homes and businesses were without power in Los Angeles, due to an unexpected winter storm. Don’t let that be your business this coming February. Recognizing the critical need for robust disaster recovery solutions, data backup, and cloud computing solutions to combat these threats is as crucial as currency for any business, especially small businesses.

Uptime is synonymous with business continuity, preparing for winter’s unpredictability is both paramount and essential for any business to stay protected from unexpected outages. A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is a strategic imperative for businesses, allowing you to weather any storm, wildfire, or outage that may come.

Learn more: How Xobee can build you a cost-effective and scalable cloud-based solution.

How Your Business Can Weather the Storms

When unpredictable weather events happen or natural disasters occur — be it a wildfire, storms, or just an unexpected blackout — they bring potential havoc to your digital landscape. FEMA’s data paints a chilling picture: extended power outages, communication breakdowns, and operational disruptions are common winter woes. In California, a state that is notoriously unprepared for the rising increase in winter weather events, the importance of a disaster recovery plan is underscored even more.

Disaster Recovery: Your Business’s Rescue

Think of disaster recovery solutions as your business’s rescue plan, clearing the path for continued operations, no matter how unpredictable the weather. BCT Consulting’s data protection services are like having an all-terrain, all-weather rescue team, ensuring that your business can weather any storm.

Cloud networking solutions provide a resilient, secure shelter for your data and digital assets — it’s safe, secure, and accessible, no matter how bad things get. Your data is secured off-site, far away from the danger that threatens it.

Learn more: How BCT can backup and protect your data with our disaster recovery solution

The Economics of Hibernation vs. Action

Investing in disaster recovery isn’t just about staying proactive; it’s about staying solvent. It’s the difference between being a casualty and a survivor in the face of devastating events.

Xobee’s suite of data protection and cloud networking solutions is your business’s sword and shield against increasingly unpredictable weather events. Investing in these solutions is an act of foresight that will keep your business thriving, and staying ahead of the competition.

For more information on how to disaster-proof your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Beware, Small Businesses: Neglecting This Could Spell Trouble in 2024!

Beware, Small Businesses: Neglecting This Could Spell Trouble in 2024!

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Looking ahead to 2024, small businesses in California are positioned at a pivotal juncture, where adopting cloud computing can significantly elevate their operational efficiency and competitive edge. In many cases, decisions both large and small can be the determining factor for a small business’s success. Staying ahead of the curve is both an advantage and a necessity.

“Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing.”Paul Maritz, VMware CEO

Imagine standing at a crossroads where one path is paved with familiar yet outdated practices, while the other leads to a realm of innovation and efficiency. This is the crossroads where cloud computing intersects with the future of your business. Choosing the path of cloud technology in 2024 is akin to selecting the express lane in a race where speed, agility, and foresight determine the winner. It’s not just about keeping pace; it’s about setting the pace in a rapidly evolving digital marketplace.

Learn more: How Xobee can build you a cost-effective and scalable cloud-based solution.

Elevating Your Small Business with Cloud Computing

The journey into cloud computing begins with a critical advantage: cost-effectiveness. Traditional IT infrastructures, with their hefty upfront investments in servers and maintenance, are being rapidly overshadowed by the cloud’s flexible and sustainable model. This shift is about saving money, and about reallocating resources to where they matter most.

But the cloud’s appeal doesn’t stop at cost savings. It extends into the realm of scalability, a feature particularly resonant in the fluctuating markets of California. The cloud’s inherent flexibility allows businesses to scale resources up or down in response to real-time demands, ensuring that they are never paying for more than what they need. This scalability dovetails perfectly with the needs of growing businesses, providing them with the agility to adapt and thrive.

Beyond scalability, cloud computing revolutionizes how businesses operate in terms of accessibility and collaboration. In an era where remote work is not just a trend but a norm, the cloud offers seamless access to data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection. This capability fosters a collaborative work environment, where teams can work together in real-time, irrespective of their physical location, driving productivity and innovation.

How Xobee Can Make Your Company More Connected

The reliability and performance of cloud computing cannot be overstated. We at Xobee can ensure maximum uptime, a critical factor for small businesses that cannot afford the interruptions associated with traditional IT systems. Coupled with this reliability is the promise of speed. Cloud computing enables businesses to process data and run applications at unprecedented speeds, a necessity in the fast-paced Californian market where responsiveness is the key to success.

“There was a time when every household, town, farm or village had its own water well. Today, shared public utilities give us access to clean water by simply turning on the tap; cloud computing works in a similar fashion. Just like water from the tap in your kitchen, cloud computing services can be turned on or off quickly as needed. Like at the water company, there is a team of dedicated professionals making sure the service provided is safe, secure and available on a 24/7 basis. When the tap isn’t on, not only are you saving water, but you aren’t paying for resources you don’t currently need.”Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO, United States Government, 2010.

As 2024 unfolds, cloud computing stands out as a strategic investment for small businesses. It offers a holistic solution that addresses cost, scalability, accessibility, and performance — all integral components for businesses aiming to stay ahead in a competitive landscape. By embracing cloud computing, small businesses are positioning themselves for sustainable growth and success.

For a deeper understanding of how cloud computing can transform your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

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