Is Your Website Violating California Compliance Laws? You Could Be Sued.

Is Your Website Violating California Compliance Laws? You Could Be Sued.

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Every website owner in California should perk up their ears to the tune of accessibility and compliance laws, or risk facing serious legal repercussions. Gone are the days when web accessibility was a mere afterthought. Today, it’s a leading facet of web development that mirrors both user inclusivity and legal necessity.

California has been at the forefront of web accessibility legislation, mandating that any commercial or public website complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This legislation intends to ensure that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as anyone else to navigate and interact with websites.

“There are thousands of lawsuits filed each year alleging websites and mobile applications are not coded so that they are accessible to individuals who are blind.” — Kristina Launey, Seyfarth Shaw litigator

As of recent rulings, not adhering to the ADA can lead to hefty lawsuits. For instance, a landmark case in 2019 set the precedence when a blind user sued a well-known pizza chain because their website was not accessible, which ended in the Supreme Court declining to hear the appeal, thereby upholding the lower court decision favoring accessibility.

Source: Seyfarth Shaw analysis, February 2022

Learn more: How Xobee can help protect your website from lawsuits

Why Compliance Matters

Aside from the legal implications, there are compelling reasons why your business should prioritize website accessibility:

  • Expanding Market Reach: Nearly a third of adults in the U.S. have some form of disability. An accessible website opens your business to a broader audience, increasing potential market reach and customer base.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Accessible websites generally provide a better user experience and are often easier to navigate for all users, not just those with disabilities.
  • SEO Benefits: Search engines favor accessible websites, as they tend to have cleaner and more organized code, which can boost your site’s SEO ranking.

Meeting the Standards

Meeting ADA standards typically involves adhering to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which outline how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities. These guidelines are considered the benchmark for web accessibility and are frequently updated to accommodate new technologies and disabilities.

Implementing these elements into your website design requires a thorough understanding of both coding and design principles, aimed at enhancing user interaction and functionality.

Xobee’s Comprehensive Solution Made Easy

At Xobee Networks, we understand the importance of not just meeting, but exceeding the ADA compliance standards to provide a seamless, accessible experience for all users. Our team of expert web developers and designers can ensure that every website we build or remodel meets strict compliance laws.

Laws and guidelines are always evolving. Xobee stands at the forefront, ensuring your site remains compliant with the most current regulations. We don’t just build your site and walk away; we offer continuous support and education on how to maintain an accessible website, ensuring you’re informed and in control. Our solutions are crafted with precision to ensure high functionality and accessibility, guarding against potential legal risks.

As your one-stop shop for all business technology needs, Xobee not only pledges complete adherence to ADA laws but also guarantees a robust, accessible online presence that opens your business to wider opportunities and markets, all while safeguarding against legal complications.

Elevate your business with Xobee Networks, where compliance meets innovation and design. Contact us today to ensure your website not only meets the legal thresholds but sets a standard for excellence in web accessibility.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Are You Losing Customers? How Outdated CRM Tools Might Be The Cause

Are You Losing Customers? How Outdated CRM Tools Might Be The Cause

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Every company has its unique fingerprint — a distinct set of needs, challenges, and goals. In the quest for digital efficiency, a one-size-fits-all approach often falls short. This is especially true when it comes to managing content, which is where a custom Customer Relationship Management system comes into play. Tailoring a CRM to fit your specific requirements not only streamlines operations but also empowers your brand to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Learn More: How Xobee can enhance efficiency and security with a custom-built CRM solution

Tailored to Your Needs: Why Go Custom?

Flexibility and Scalability

A custom CRM solution is like having a suit tailored just for your company; it’s designed to fit your content management needs perfectly. Unlike off-the-shelf options that can be restrictive, a custom CRM grows with your business. It adapts to changes in your business model, audience engagement strategies, and technological advancements, ensuring you are never held back by software limitations.

Enhanced Security

With cyber threats evolving rapidly, security is more critical than ever. A custom CRM can offer robust security features tailored to protect your specific data and content types. This reduces vulnerabilities associated with generic CRM platforms, which are often targets for attacks due to their widespread use.

Optimized User Experience

Custom CRM solutions can be optimized for the user experience (UX) of both your team and your audience. This means creating an intuitive backend for content creators and a seamless, engaging front end for users. Improved UX leads to increased productivity and better audience retention.

Seamless Integration

A custom CRM excels in its ability to integrate effortlessly with the various technologies that power your business. From Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to e-commerce solutions and beyond, a custom CRM ensures that all your applications work in concert. This harmonious integration facilitates smooth data flow and synchronization across platforms, eliminating the pitfalls of isolated data silos and redundant data entry tasks.

Leveraging AI for Advanced Data Analysis

Incorporating AI and Machine Learning into a custom CRM can transform raw data into actionable insights. These technologies analyze content performance, highlight trends, and pinpoint areas for improvement, offering a comprehensive view of your business landscape.

Xobee Networks: Your Technology Partner

At Xobee Networks, we understand the critical role technology plays in business success. We specialize in crafting tailored CRM solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients’ expectations. Whether you’re looking to enhance operational efficiency, beef up your security, or improve customer engagement, our team has the expertise to make it happen.

With Xobee Networks, you’re not just getting a service provider — you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your business’s technological empowerment. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your digital content with a custom CRM that sets you apart from the competition.

Take the first step towards unparalleled efficiency and security. Contact Xobee Networks today, and let’s build the perfect CRM for your needs.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

The Top 5 AI Scams Targeting Your Small Business

The Top 5 AI Scams Targeting Your Small Business

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Artificial Intelligence — likely a term you’ve heard more than you needed to over the past few months. But for better or worse, AI is not only here to stay, it’s become a paradigm shift across all industries. Though AI offers advancements and efficiencies in numerous sectors, it also presents a fertile ground for scammers to exploit. So while the latest breakthroughs in this cutting-edge technology are no doubt incredible, it’s a double-edged sword that cuts both ways.

“Scammers can utilize AI to mimic the voices of relatives or friends, attempting to deceive individuals into providing financial assistance or divulging sensitive information.” — Dr. Klaus Schenk of Verimatrix

Recognizing AI scams requires a discerning eye and a skeptical mindset. Look for inconsistencies in digital content, question the authenticity of unexpected communications, and rely on official channels for sensitive transactions. Always verify through a channel you know to be safe. It’s also crucial to maintain up-to-date cybersecurity measures to guard against phishing and other AI-driven threats.

Learn more: How Xobee can help safeguard your business data

Top 5 AI Scams You Need to Know

As the ingenuity of AI grows, it is paramount to stay informed and vigilant.


Deepfakes are the pinnacle of AI misuse, employing large datasets to replicate the appearance and voice of recognizable figures to perpetrate fraud. The misuse of Martin Lewis’s likeness in a bogus investment scheme is a stark reminder of the threat posed by this technology. Lewis’s vehement response to the scam highlights the profound impact on individuals’ reputations and the potential financial devastation for victims.

ChatGPT Phishing

The advent of generative AI tools has revolutionized phishing tactics. Scammers now craft emails with uncanny accuracy, mimicking legitimate correspondence to deceive recipients. The recent enhancement of ChatGPT by OpenAI, allowing for the creation of tailored AI assistants, further complicates the phishing scams, necessitating heightened scrutiny of digital communications.

Voice Cloning

AI’s ability to clone voices has introduced a new dimension to scamming, enabling fraudsters to impersonate loved ones or authority figures convincingly. The distressing case of a mother duped by a cloned voice of her daughter underscores the emotional and financial toll these scams can exert.

Application & Verification Fraud

AI’s capacity to generate fake yet convincing videos, photographs, documents, and applications poses a significant threat to identity verification processes. Jeremy Asher, a fraud expert and lawyer at Setfords, warns of the huge risk this represents, with the potential for unauthorized individuals to gain access to your personal information and finances.

Review Bombing by AI Bots

A new frontier in AI scams involves the use of bots to flood businesses with negative reviews, a tactic known as “review bombing.” This method can severely damage a company’s reputation and customer trust. Unlike other AI scams that target individuals, this strategy undermines businesses, highlighting the expanding scope of AI-related fraud.

Xobee Networks: Your Shield Against AI Scams

Protecting your personal and business data is more critical than ever. Xobee Networks stands as a bastion against these emerging threats, offering comprehensive cybersecurity solutions tailored to your needs. Our services, including virus and spam protection, cloud hosting solutions, backup redundancies, and data restoration and disaster recovery services, provide the robust defense necessary to navigate the complexities of today’s digital threats. Empower your technology with Xobee Networks and ensure your data’s integrity and security.

For more information on how to better protect your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

Is the Solar Eclipse Exposing Your Data? How to Safeguard Your Business.

Is the Solar Eclipse Exposing Your Data? How to Safeguard Your Business.

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

As the world gears up for the 2024 solar eclipse, an event that will darken skies and draw millions of eyes upwards, a less visible but equally significant phenomenon looms on the horizon. Recent years have seen a significant spike in solar activity, with solar flares and storms disrupting technologies and communications, underscoring a stark reminder of our vulnerability. This upcoming eclipse serves not just as a natural wonder but as a critical juncture to reflect on and fortify against the cybersecurity risks posed by solar events and unpredictable weather conditions.

“This phenomenon would lead to a general blackout and the consequences would have an extraordinary economic impact due to the time needed to make the repairs.” — David Barrado Navascués, Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial

How Solar Storms & More Are Threatening Our Internet

Dr. Tamitha Skov, a renowned space weather physicist, highlighted the impacts of a solar flare, causing hours-long radio blackouts and GPS disruptions worldwide. This event is part of a troubling trend of increased solar activity, which includes the massive sunspot AR3038, threatening Earth with potential widespread technological blackouts and damage in the trillions of dollars.

Learn more: How Xobee can secure and safeguard your business data

SpaceX’s loss of nearly 40 Starlink satellites to a geomagnetic storm and warnings of an “internet apocalypse” from significant solar storms paint a grim picture of our preparedness for such celestial disruptions. Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine, emphasizes the global lack of safeguards against these threats, likening them to “black swan events” that could sever high-latitude nations from the internet for extended periods.

Xobee Networks: Your Cybersecurity Solar Shield

In the face of these challenges, preparedness is key. Xobee stands at the forefront, offering comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect your data against the unpredictable. Our state-of-the-art cloud hosting solutions ensure your data remains safe and encrypted, even when terrestrial infrastructures fail.

With Xobee, your information is stored in Level 3 data centers, shielded by the latest in enterprise-grade storage systems and redundant power supplies, ensuring resilience and integrity against unseen threats.

📷 Image Curiosity of Nasa

Comprehensive Protection and Recovery Solutions

  • Virus and Spam Protection: Shield your systems from malicious threats with our robust security measures.
  • Cloud Hosting Solutions: Leverage our scalable cloud hosting for secure, off-site data storage that guards against localized solar flares and geomagnetic storms.
  • Backup Redundancies and Data Restoration: Ensure business continuity with our backup solutions, designed to protect and quickly restore your critical data in the event of a disaster.
  • Disaster Recovery Services: Our comprehensive disaster recovery plans offer peace of mind, ensuring your business can withstand and quickly rebound from unexpected solar events.

Be Prepared with Xobee

As the 2024 solar eclipse approaches, let it be a reminder of the awe-inspiring forces of nature and the importance of cybersecurity. The unpredictability of solar activity, with its potential for severe technological disruptions, demands a proactive approach to data protection and security.

Xobee Networks, the #1 voted MSP in California, offers the solutions and expertise needed to safeguard your business against the unpredictable. Our suite of services, from cloud hosting to disaster recovery, ensures your digital assets are protected, come what may. Don’t let the next solar storm catch you off-guard. Partner with Xobee Networks and secure your business’s future against the unforeseen challenges of tomorrow.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

The 2024 Scams Impacting Your Small Business

The 2024 Scams Impacting Your Small Business

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

Small businesses are increasingly finding themselves at the crossroads of technological innovation and vulnerability. The surge in AI-powered scams represents a paradigm shift in cyber defense, with sophisticated threats such as deepfake technology, voice cloning, and generative language models leading the charge. These advancements have empowered cybercriminals with tools that can bypass traditional security measures, posing a direct threat to the operational integrity and financial stability of small businesses.

Phishing attempts have evolved through AI-powered social engineering to become nearly indistinguishable from legitimate communication, for those less informed or lacking the tools required to detect such deceits. Meanwhile, ransomware attacks have shown a troubling trend of targeting smaller enterprises. Just last year alone, 66% of organizations surveyed reported a ransomware attack, with 97% of those companies getting their data back provided it was encrypted.

Learn more: How Xobee can encrypt your business data

The New Threats to Watch for in 2024

These figures not only quantify the threat but also highlight the disproportionate impact on small businesses, which may lack the resources of larger corporations to recover from such attacks. In this context, understanding and implementing advanced cybersecurity measures isn’t just about protection; it’s a critical investment in the future viability of small businesses.

► AI-Powered Phishing Attempts

Phishing scams, a longstanding leader in cyber threats, have become more intricate. Using AI-powered tools, fraudsters can now craft emails and messages that are indistinguishable from those sent by legitimate institutions. These communications often urge immediate action, such as updating personal information, under the guise of maintaining account security. To spot these, scrutinize email addresses for subtle unnatural language patterns, and always avoid clicking on unsolicited links or downloading files.

► The Menace of Ransomware

Ransomware attacks have escalated, with cybercriminals targeting both individuals and businesses. They encrypt files, demanding a ransom for decryption keys. Such malware often infiltrates through seemingly innocuous downloads or phishing emails. Always verify the authenticity of email attachments and maintain updated antivirus software to fend off these attacks.

► Social Media Scams: The New Frontier

With the rise of social media, scams exploiting these platforms have become rampant. From fake giveaways to fraudulent investment opportunities, these scams prey on the trust and greed of users. Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true and research before engaging in any transaction on social media.

► AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation

AI has given rise to a new breed of scams. Scammers are exploiting AI-powered technologies with alarming ingenuity, turning tools like deepfake technology, voice cloning, and generative language models into weapons of deceit. This trifecta of AI-powered tools is redefining the landscape of digital fraud, enabling scams that are increasingly personalized, harder to detect, and profoundly more convincing, posing unprecedented challenges to individuals and organizations alike.

Empower Your Business with Xobee Networks

Being forewarned is being forearmed. By staying informed about the latest scams and implementing robust cybersecurity measures, you can navigate the online world with confidence. Xobee Networks is your trusted partner in this journey, offering the tools and expertise needed to protect your data and your business. Whether it’s through advanced cybersecurity, data backup and redundancy, disaster recovery, cloud hosting, or even just general training, Xobee has you covered.

Empower your business technology with Xobee Networks. Together, we can build a safer, more secure digital future for your business.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

How to Spot AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation of Scams

How to Spot AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation of Scams

FRESNO, California – Cody Sarhan, Communications Specialist

2024 has heralded a new era of cyber threats as the rise of AI technologies sophisticated enough to trick even the most tech-savvy individuals ushers in the next generation of scammers. For small businesses, this evolution marks not just a challenge but a clarion call for heightened vigilance. As scammers leverage AI to craft their frauds, businesses need to arm themselves with every tool in their arsenal to combat them.  In the battle against cybercrime, knowledge is not just power — it’s protection.

Cybercriminals, armed with AI, are crafting scams with an unprecedented level of sophistication, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish friends from foes online. The era of passive cybersecurity is over. The need to proactively fortify digital defenses has never been more critical, as the future of business may well depend on the ability to navigate these new threats.

Learn more: How Xobee can help protect your business from AI-powered scams

AI-Powered Scams: The Next Generation

AI has given rise to a new breed of scams. Deepfake technology, voice cloning, generative language models, and AI-driven chatbots are now used to impersonate trusted contacts or generate convincing fake content. This includes documents, emails, videos, and audio recordings that can be used to manipulate or blackmail individuals. Vigilance and verifying information through multiple sources are crucial in combating these high-tech deceits.

How to Identify An AI-Powered Scam

AI-powered scams are particularly insidious due to their sophistication and ability to mimic legitimate interactions. Here are just some ways to spot these advanced threats:

What’s The Best Way To Avoid These Scams?

Always check for verification and follow up through trusted channels. If you’re interacting with a supposedly official entity but notice a lack of verification or official presence on other platforms, this could be a sign of an AI-powered scam operation. Always follow up through channels you know to be trustworthy, or vetted for official communication. Such as a company’s official website and not one that was linked to you. Email your CEO through official means outside of the email chain to be certain the person pretending to be them, is actually them.

By remaining vigilant and questioning interactions that seem abnormal or too advantageous, individuals can better protect themselves against the rising tide of AI-powered scams. Always err on the side of caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with unsolicited offers or requests online.

Safeguarding Against Scams: The Xobee Networks Solution

In the face of these evolving threats, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. Xobee stands at the forefront of cybersecurity, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to protect businesses and individuals alike from the perils of online scams.

Our advanced virus and spam protection services are engineered to detect and neutralize threats before they reach your inbox, providing a crucial first line of defense against phishing and malware attacks. Furthermore, our cloud hosting solutions ensure that your data is stored securely, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and loss.

Xobee’s backup redundancies offer a safety net, enabling the swift restoration of encrypted files without succumbing to cybercriminals’ demands. Our data restoration services ensure that your business operations can resume with minimal downtime, safeguarding your reputation and financial stability.

For more information on how to protect you and your business, contact one of our highly skilled technicians today.

Xobee now has engineers servicing clients within Fresno, Clovis, Madera, San Jose, Sacramento, San Francisco & the Bay Area, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Las Vegas, Bakersfield, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Anaheim, Palm Springs, and more.

Cody Sarhan | Communications Specialist, Xobee Networks

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